Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today's Agenda: Not a Darn Thing

Got up today and got the kids on their way.

Sat at the computer and pondered whether or not I would workout today.

My back started bothering me yesterday because I did some mopping, so I had the idea that I would take today off. No sense messing with the Big Bad Bulging Disc if it isn't absolutely necessary.

I hoped against all hope that my latest Six Feet Under disc would arrive. I'm in great suspense about What Happened to Lisa?! and am waiting on pins and needles for the next 3 episodes. (And if you write and tell me in the comments you shall be cursed! I do not like spoilers. DO NOT TELL ME!!!)

No disc. Bad back. Do I go work out? Better not. But now I don't have any movie to watch while I sit and fold laundry endlessly.....So what's a girl to do?

My brain said NO to working on my Search Engine Optimization class. My brain said NO to working on my book.

What did my brain say YES to?

Investing in a big, long nap.

Yep. I slept until a few minutes before the kids got home. It's the first time in the entire school year that I've done that. It sort of half feels GREAT and half feels like a bad omen that I have already fallen off the workout bandwagon and have run out of inspiration to continue forth with my business ventures.

It ain't true, though. It's just the bad me in the background making everything more dramatic than it really is.

My current lifestyle is making me feel that my life is quite luxurious, even without all the money I'd like. In most places on earth women don't just have 2 hours a day for exercise or naps or peace and quiet. For the past 15 years I have either worked outside the home or had children to care for all day, every day. Having some quiet time 4 days a week is positively soothing. Going to exercise anyplace away from home was not even a remote possibility, and getting it done at home was doomed to failure thanks to kids who steal weights, jump on their prostrate mothers, or try to be the second wheel on a one person rebounder. Naps I've had, but always at that half-mast motherly sleep where you always have one ear open to pending distaster or need to wipe somebody's butt. Taking a Lazy Day today was part of the "trying to get my current schedule into balance" so I'm deeming it a good thing. One more piece of the puzzle trying to figure out where it fits in.

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