Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dog Tired

Worked out today, including a harder cardio than I had previously done. The question I had on my mind after an hour or two of being home was, when does this start to feel better? Supposedly people feel so much energy when they exercise regularly. Well, for me, I feel tired and sore. I exercise, am proud of myself, want some lunch and a nap. The end.

I asked my husband this question and his answer went something like, "Well, if you aren't feeling good and energetic after you exercise you probably need to work harder on your cardio....if your heart rate isn't getting up high enough blah blah blah..." at which point I had to tell him to stop or else I was going to be very tempted to injure him. He didn't quite get it that I was serious. After I, uh, explained it more clearly, he decided to go out and mow the grass. heh.

I worked my way through the oodles and oodles of clothing to swap out for the kids. Got rid of 3 garbage bags full of clothes, and found that I won't need to buy much at all for the season. That was good news. Had my newest Six Feet Under disc here, so I got to find out what happened to Lisa.....

Found some new items to include in the baby boutique so that gave me a little mental boost. I need that new stuff coming along to keep my wheels turning for the current project.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Sounds very productive!