Monday, June 12, 2006

Traveling Around the Blogosphere

Lake Como Landing

Back in the olden days of blogging, people did Monday Morning Memes where they would go to various blogs (hopefully some new ones picked at random from other blogrolls) and then report back to their blog readers about 5 of them in order to kind of clue people in on noteworthy places to visit.

Today, I've been traveling. Care to join me?

Mary at Owlhaven has shared a beautiful family photo plus a lovely essay on never being alone in a big family. The essay is featured at the new blog, Larger Families.

For those of you who find knitting patterns of the past quite humorous, you will cherish this unique blog.

Chris has an excellent strategy for motivating their stone thief to change his or her ways. You must see these signs!

Recipes for a Postmodern Planet
is the blog of the daughter of famed mother of 39, Big Mamma of the Bodie Bunch. Her blog is a very interesting mix of recipes, politics, motherhood, and so forth. I really like it.

Enjoy looking around, and consider bringing the Monday Morning Meme back to life on your own blog. I've found some great regular reads that way.

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