Thursday, June 15, 2006

Night Owl

Night Owl

During the school year I have to get up around 6am, therefore I try (usually without success) to go to bed by 10pm. 6am just kicks my butt. I never feel ready to wake up, and I am looking for a nap anywhere from 1-8 hours later. It always feels like a struggle for me to get up and stay up on that schedule.

It has been a joy to be on summer break. Without that 6am wake up call I am getting up when I feel like it, or when the children need me, whichever comes first. (they do very well playing together quietly for awhile before I get up) I've been putting the kids to bed only an hour later than their usual time, but I'm still having tons of time at night to clean, organize, fold laundry, hang out with my husband, watch movies, and work on my business. Most nights I stay up until 1 or 2am. Interestingly, I seem to function fine on the same amount of sleep as I get during the school year, and rarely need or want a nap. I just get up and go all day.

I wish there was a way that I could always function on the time schedule that appears to me optimal for my body. At least I get to enjoy 7 more weeks of late-night bliss.


Anonymous said...

I'll bet it feels GREAT to finally get to sleep later. I've always been a night person, and having this puppy is KICKING MY BUTT! But she's worth it! At 6:30 AM I put her on the pee pee pad, she did her biz, and then I put her back into bed with me and we sleep until 10. Not bad in the training dept, huh?

Anonymous said...

Hey Abundance,

Not too personal.

I was brought up Baptist but as an adult have been a part of non-denominational churches that go with the "unity in essentials, liberty in the non-essentials" way of thinking.

My beliefs have evolved over time, as I guess is to be expected. I used to be a lot more like the women that I now shake my head in amazement at. Time, life, and openness to God have seemed to mellow me out in many ways. I share a lot of similar values with ultra conservative people, but usually without the legalism and dogma that seems to go along with it.

I like to think I'm an enigma. You probably won't be able to pigeon hole me. I mean, *really*--a christian housewife homeschooler mother of six with a sexy belly dancer for my blog graphic?! That's just the tip of the iceberg, I think.

Clear as mud?

Anonymous said...

Last Girl--
You are reminding me of one more reason why I have a No Dogs rule. I have all I can do to take care of the people here. I would not be happy to get up for a puppy. (but I am glad you are enjoying yours. A very cute one, you have!)