Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Brad Pitt: American Hero?

Does anyone else find it odd that Brad Pitt is now being honored left and right for being such a Great American, and for helping the less fortunate of the world?

I mean, aside from the last year when he left his wife and started shacking up with Angelina Jolie and riding on her charity coattails, when did we ever see Brad doing any wonderful charity work? I cannot think of any instances where I heard about Brad doing anything except for going to movie openings and being in interviews about movies, his life, and being famous.

Now he's the great America hero. Wow!


Leigh said...

Since you asked and not that I don't agree with you about the shacking up and such, but Brad Pitt does do quite a bit of work with charities in Africa and had for years, has been there many times and donates millions of dollars to AIDS relief in Africa. They has a special on TV regarding the troubles in Africa not that long ago and talked about his contribution both monetarily and time wise.


Dollymama said...

Alrighty then I will partially stand corrected!