Sunday, June 25, 2006

One Thing I'll Miss, part two

As I've stated in a previous post, I don't fully buy into the notion that when my kids are older I am going to mourn the passing of these days. However, every now and then I notice something that I definitely will miss. Today, my husband and I said we would be sad when our kids are all too old and articulate to not say cute little things any more.

Some examples:

Our oldest son, when he was a little guy, had caught on to us saying, "you crack me up." His version? "You're crackin' my potatoes!"

Our daughter, when a toddler, was trying to describe a gymnastic feat. She couldn't think of the right word for it, but came up with a close second, using the last name of a friend. "I'm gonna do a cartwright!"

Yesterday my youngest, Squiggy Magoo, fell while climbing up the tree fort ladder because a spider scared him. He was fine, just a little sore. He complained to me in a pitiful little voice, "I really hurt my feelings, mom."

Same kid, the other day, hurt his "L-bone." Adorable.

Those cute little sayings....glad I don't have to go without them yet.

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