Sunday, June 11, 2006

Cyclically Speaking....

Awhile back I read an article about women's health and being aware of your own body. In this article the author talked about her observation that oftentimes women's energy levels and creativity levels are related to their hormones/menstrual cycles. She shared how she had taken a couple of months to make note of when she felt the most creative and energetic, and when she didn't, and charted it in relation to her monthly cycle. Sure enough, she found a rhythm to it.

I took her idea and applied it to my life. Sure enough, I have about 2 weeks where I am wildly creative, with ideas literally coming at me too fast to deal with. When I was in that stage this month I literally worked at the computer for 18 hours over the course of two days, wrote a rough draft to a new book (from start to finish), plus did a bunch of other projects. I started just writing all of the ideas down so that I could come back to them later. I also started setting things up for myself when I have the energy and creativity, so that when I'm in a lull (like I am just entering into today) I can keep on making some progress even though I'm lacking vision for the project.

By respecting what I've noticed about myself it's been less frustrating and has helped me to help myself by compensating for both extremes. I'm excited about it and thought it might help some of you as well.


Amie said...

Thats interesting. A while back I was keeping a cycle diary relating to emotional symptoms as opposed to physical symptoms. One day my entry was "lots of good blog ideas"

Anonymous said...

The moon...our cycles...the fact that my best term papers were written during "that time"...its all coming together now! :)