Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm in a darn grouchy mood, so ya better watch out

And why is it that the nearly-always-cheerful Dolly Mama is grouchy?


Two little boys were royal boogers at nap time and thwarted my chance for a rest. The goofed off and acted naughty for an hour or so until I had to get up.


My 13 year old has been being oh so NOT very young-man-ly by fussing and whining about his birthday party that is coming up on Saturday. You would think we were going to make the child walk on hot coals while whistling Dixie or do a flip off a diving board naked. (actually I think he had mentioned those items as somehow preferable to what we are going to do) He has today succeeded in making me feel like a fairly big idiot for even wanting to have a special, significant party for him. I am tempted to call everyone on the guest list and tell them not to come because Sullen is a brat. But, alas, then he would get his way, and that simply cannot be. So instead I will be left in the pathetic position of desperately praying that he behaves appropriately at the party, and that he somehow comes to appreciate the love, thought, and creativity that has gone into it. But, you know, what are the chances of that?


I am sick to death of being pawed at by my STILL breastfeeding 2-and-a-half year old. He is getting so freakin demanding and horrible about it. Of course, that's only when he isn't charming me into his clutches by sweetly smiling and patting me and saying, "Pweez can I have some milk?" NO FOR GOODNESS SAKE YOU CANNOT HAVE SOME MILK BECAUSE MOMMY'S BOOBS ARE COMPLETELY SICK AND TIRED OF GIVING MILK TO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what to do with all of this rage? Well, the only safe thing I could come up with: I'm purging my favorites. Yessirreee.....the rage that hurts no one, but somehow makes me feel better. I go and look at a blog I once decided to save to fave, and now I ruthlessly look it over and say, "Hey, know what? I hate you! Your blog stinks! I never want to come and read this crap again!" and poof! with the click of "delete" it is gone and I can feel better knowing I shall never be required to go visit thisblogsucks.blogspot.com ever again. (Oh my gosh! I just checked, and I guess maybe we should not be surprised to find out that there actually IS a blog named This Blog Sucks! But, that wasn't the one I was actually referring to, you know.)

OK, so now, getting back to the breastfeeding, Alana, Carmen, it is time for you and anyone else who has ever successfully weaned a kid to come forth with wisdom. What do I DO??? I mean, he LOVES to nurse. He is fiercely devoted to nursing. He is willing to KILL for milk! (well, almost. He is willing to hurt me if necessary) So what do I do as he is begging and pleading and kicking and screaming for milk? Just say no and walk away? Go do something else as he clings to my legs and cries and carries on and continues to beg and plead and bite and kick? I can't even remember how to do this. All I know is that he is obviously past the point of just happily nursing for food, and is thinking he's in it for the long haul now. But, uh, no thanks. This haul has been long enough, I say.

P.S. I did try the vinegar and he didn't even notice. Next stop: Thum. Right Alana? Or maybe the Tabasco that my mom mentioned.....


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Hi Dolly Mama
Is your little one still nursing at night too ? Mine was....
When DD4 was 2years 4 months I had had enough (physically, mentally and emotionally) of constant breastfeeding,and the dentist advised to stop nursing because her teeth were suffering.

I enlisted the whole family. Basically I had to stand up and keep moving for pretty much a whole day so the boobs were completely out of reach,but it did mean my house was cleaned thoroughly while I was upright! Everyone had to help keep her distracted.
Dad had to deal with the wails and screams by giving lots of hugs and cuddles. At night she slept with Dad to break the night feeds.

It took 48 hours and I have to say it was hard and miserable. She refused to drink any fluid at all for 18 hours in protest, and eventually she gave in and drank from a cup like she had been doing since she was about 9 months old.
It was hard but we did it. It was the toughest weaning of the four.

Dollymama said...

Thanks, gals!

I guess I have reached the point of such desperation that being mean isn't as big a barrier as I thought it might be.

I had gotten him off of night nursing awhile ago, simply by saying no and holding down my shirt like my life depended on it. :) Now I am doing the same. I just decided last night to dig in my heels and say no. He is NOT a happy boy this morning, but I will try to be sensitive, yet not tasty, and keep saying no. We have friends coming for the weekend, so once they get here that should provide some extra distraction and fun for him, plus more people to help me keep saying NO!

The nighttime thing is tricky because my husband is not always here at night since he works 24 hour shifts. That has been the big bugaboo in my life for getting the sleeping arrangements better and for the nursing. Fortunately, I'm no longer an exhausted pregnant person, so I have some energy to put into dealing with the nighttime issues alone.