Friday, May 19, 2006

I. Am. So. Tired!

So today, first day of summer break, has already been successful and productive. And exhausting!

Since this was the first time for on-the-job-training for the new chore areas, that took a lot of time and patience. My daughter is fairly well devastated that she has been reassigned to clean both bathrooms. She feels that since there are 5 messy-in-the-bathroom boys here that one of THEM should have to clean up with own puddles and drips. I can understand her unhappiness, but we all have to learn to do the job, and she's the one getting that opportunity right now. Luckily for her, I did devise a plan to give her some relief: she only has to do the bathroom job while her older brother is here. He has been given one of my usual chore areas: the kitchen. However, he will be gone for a week in June and for most of the month of July. So she will get to do kitchen duty when he is out of town and I will take over bathrooms. Somehow, this plan didn't make her feel any happier this morning.

My 3 year old surprised me today but begging for a reading lesson. He has been watching me work with his 7 year old brother all year long, and now he has decided it's time for him to learn to read as well. I started out with the Leap Frog toy, but he told me NO, he doesn't want to play with the frog! he wants the reading book! :) Out came the 100 Easy Lessons book, and we did the first lesson. Then Doodles came along and also did the first lesson, and then Izzy Man did the same. jake the great followed up with his lesson, which is far, far past lesson one, thankfully! The boys were all really adorable and loved the time to do something like that. I will try to continue with it if they continue to be interested in it. Since each lesson only takes about 5 minutes or so, it's pretty doable.

My daughter got into a decoupage project, and I decided to pull everything out of the pantry, clean it out, and reorganize. It really needed it.

Since I was then on a roll I decided to also clean out the refrigerator, since it was badly needed. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day, so this is the perfect day for cleaning the fridge and pantry since we're at our low point for supplies.

Now it's only 3:30 and I'm *tired*! But I'm glad we've had a good day so far.

Miles to go before I sleep.......


Anonymous said...

i'm popping by to say hi, and introduce myself, and welcome you to the book blog. i'll catch up here, getting to know you pretty soon. for now, i'm just glad to meet you, and don't forget, our first discussion posting on memoirs was yesterday. i did send out an email, so hope to see you over there. visit me at my personal blog too :-}

T said...

First, let me say I am impressed. I can't figure out how you manage to do what you do. I don't mean having 6 kids, I have 5. Homeschooling, and keeping your kids organized and doing chores, that is what I dream of. Can I ask how old your daughter is? (the one doing the bathrooms) I would love to hear your whole kids chore plan. I'd use it as evidence for my kids. See other people get their kids to clean bathrooms too!