Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Norman Bates works for my accountant

Today I went to sign and pick up my taxes from our accountant. When I arrived the secretary was busy helping someone else, so a man that works there came forward and offered to assist me.

First he asks my name, pulls a file, looks over it at me and asks what my phone number is. I thought this was a little odd since I just told him both my husband's and my name. How many people could there be with our names that get their taxes done there??

So, I tell him, and he looks skeptically at the file. The secretary peers over his shoulder and says, "No, that's not right." and he gets a different file and asks me my phone number again.

It's interesting that a phone number is the magic information needed for completing this transaction, eh? I was never asked for identification, and lots of people know my phone number.

Uh huh.

So all I'm supposed to do is sign the tax returns, and yet he says, "come on back to my office with me."

First off, let me tell you that I could have signed papers where I stood. Secondly, this guy had both a look about him and a demeanor that reminded me of a Norman Bates type person. Mild mannered accountant by day.....ax murderer by night......

Bravely, I follow him into his office and immediately notice his desk is completely clear, and the thing I think of is "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, what's an empty desk a sign of?" and had to stifle a smirk. Instead I try to be humorous and say, "Ah! A clean and clear desk! Your mother must be proud!"

To which he replies, evenly and with dourness, "Yes, she is, if she can make it in. Which she cannot."

And then he stares at me.


I suppose my job was to then ask about his mother but frankly I just didn't want to interact with old Norman any more so I just smiled vaguely while he flipped pages to show me where to sign, and got myself out of there.

Still, the question remains: what happened to Norman's mother?!


Heth said...


And a little bit scary too...

Anonymous said...

Bring up the sound of violins. EEK EEK EEK EEK EEK! Scary. (but funny!) Glad you made it out OK!

Mimi said...
