Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Back to School...and Home School too!

School Children Looking Out School Bus Windows by Len Rubenstein

So today we're back to school here. The adventure has begun!

I hit the ground running dark-and-early today, showering, making pancakes, waking sleepy children. Handed off paperwork and lunch money to my new high schooler. Drove my kindergartener and first grader to school, walked them to their classes and got them set up with their back pack cubbies and where to sit. Got to witness crying children clinging to their mother's waists in the hallway.... (fortunately my boys were happy and no tears were shed) Came home and ate a quick breakfast and then jumped in on the home school bandwagon.

Overall the day went well, with only a few bumps. I can see that it will be easier once my preschool buddy gets going to school later this month. We got to start reading a couple of good books, although unfortunately most of what we read were rather boring introductions that didn't thrill the kids too much. I am looking forward to pressing on and getting into the meat of the thing, which I expect will be more inspirational for all of us.

We ran out to do some errands/field trips and then came back home for some lunch, more school, and then I was out the door to pick up my school boys. And in an hour I'll be running back to get my marching band kiddo.

I'm actually all caught up on business, housework, laundry, and meal planning. If I can just keep that record going for another 179 school days that will be wonderful.


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