Wednesday, December 15, 2004

How to get it all done

So I've got all this *stuff* to do. Getting ready to leave for a big trip in two days. Kids with homework needs. Gifts and cards for all the teachers. Christmas needing to be ready to take on the trip. Other gifts needing to be mailed before the trip. The annual Christmas letter needing to be written, printed, and mailed. Plus of course the "little things" in life like getting caught up on the laundry, paying bills, cleaning the very messy house, and working on beloved projects that always seem so much more interesting than all of the usual things that need to be done.

And of course once I get through the Christmas rush, I still have 6 kids to love on, a husband to dazzle, a nest to feather, books to read, books to write, exercise to be done daily, businesses to launch, and an education to be had. Just to name the top issues.

In thinking about all of these things I've, of course, wondered how on earth I can fit all these things in. Really, I want to do all those things. Most of them make me feel so happy when I can do them. Even the cleaning! A sense of accomplishment is a real thrill for me after all these years of shoveling while it was still snowing, so to speak.

I used to do this schedule that I developed with the help of a book called Managers of Their Homes. Although this book is geared toward homeschooling families, it could be used by anybody. The author directs the reader to list all of the things that need to be done, the time needed for each task, and then you work on assigning times to do each thing, and eventually develop a schedule. For big projects and hobbies she suggests that for very busy people, they just allow for something like 15 minutes once or twice in the day to make some progress. Those of you who have been followers of Flylady know all about the wonders that can be done in 15 minutes, don't you?

Well, I have found that a surprising amount of things can get done in 15 minutes. But.....when I think about only allowing myself 15 minutes to read or to work on developing a business brochure, it feels like it takes the fun out of it. Maybe I'm just immature, or still battling (unsuccessfully!) my lack of self discipline....but if I'm going to do something that is for fun and fulfillment, I want to be able to do it long enough to really enjoy myself!

Of course, I've been having a grand old time tackling house projects around here....but you should see my messy kitchen!!! There has not been an adequate balance.

So, I come back to the schedule idea and think that maybe I need to give it a try. Maybe I can have something like an hour a day for some fun project, and just rotate what cool thing I get to do with that time. Surely with a schedule I can fit in all the needs and all the goals and be the most wonderfully balanced and self-disciplined gal this side of the Mississippi!

Too bad I'm such a free spirit and even the word schedule makes me feel kind of nervous and constrained!

I guess the only answer to gaining self-discipline is to do it. If I flex those muscles, I should get better and better at it, right?

I'd love to hear practical tips from any of you that manage to successfully fit in lots of stuff to do and still include things like feeding your soul and taking good care of yourself. Bonnie from Belle on Her Toes (Have you ever visited her blog? It's lovely!) has 11 children (you GO girl!) and is always writing cool posts about her yoga lessons, kids activities, and awesome jaunts into Seattle to art museums and other cool things. Maybe she can help me out. Bonnie, are you out there?!?! (just went to her site and see that she is taking a break from the computer--oh no!)

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