Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A few years ago I decided to end the madness of having dressers in each child's room. I was sick of little kids changing their clothes half a dozen times a day and dropping their cast-aside clothes on the floor. I was sick of delivering folded clothing all over the house, and having it get messed with by the kids, with the contents of the drawer always looking like they were stirred up with a stick 5 minutes after I put them there.

SO, We took 2 shelving units we had that are approximately 6 feet wide, stacked them on top of each other in the laundry room, bought some plastic bins, and revolutionized our life!

Ever since then the kids' clothes are in the laundry room. They go in there in the morning to put their new clothes, and their dirty ones can get dropped right into the dirty laundry basket. (I say can because they often drop them right on the floor, like all the rest of the kids in the world, even though the bin in *right there* and just as easy to drop things into...) Then all that stuff is already right where I need it to be hanging out next to the washer. When the laundry comes out of the dryer, it gets folded and put right back in it's bin all in the same room. My husband finds it pretty handy to have his stuff in there too, since he gets up earlier than we do when he has to go to work. He can do all the bathroom stuff plus get ready in the same room and not wake anybody up rattling through a dresser if he forgot something.

The kids have more space in their rooms since they don't need dressers, plus those pesky dresser-tops aren't in their rooms just begging for clutter to accumulate.

This room does get messy if I don't keep up on it, but even so, I'd rather have this one room fairly trashed compared to when I used to have kid's clothes dragged from one end of the house to the other!
Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Wow, this is an awesome idea!