Sunday, June 05, 2005

Boogie Nights

I bet you're all sick of coming here and seeing the picture of the wet bed, so I figured I'd do us all a favor and get something new going on. How about a temper tantrum to start the week?! Yeah! Hey--at least I didn't take and share pictures of the 5 yukky presents the dog left me this morning......

We've had a good, regular family fun week here. As you'll see from the new pictures, we've been playing in the pool, with the zip line, and just doing simple fun stuff. We made it through our 2 week Pay Period of Poverty and it was interesting when in the mindset of thrift, how much fun and good I could identify that we could have and do that cost nothing. It's good, I think, to go through times when we do not or cannot spend extra money, to help guide us back to very simple and wonderful things that we can do for free. Too often we get used to the things we do (and spend money on) and get bored with those and then automatically go on to more and more expensive pasttimes rather than simplifying and enjoying the blessing of the resources in our home and family.

Last night the hubby and I went to a wedding. It was kind of a difficult call as to whether or not we were going to go. Even though we had money to get a babysitter, I was still thinking in Poor Mode and feeling like maybe we should not go. I barely know the groom (somebody that works with hubby) and never met the bride. By the time we got a gift, I got shoes to go with my one wedding-worthy outfit, we drove 45 min. each way, plus paid a babysitter, it wasn't going to be cheap. But, hubby reminded me that although we need to be careful with the money, we're still gonna LIVE as well. And the reception was supposed to be a pretty fun ordeal, so off we went.

The wedding was nice, but the reception was GREAT. It was at this fabulous winery. When you enter the grounds you drive for several minutes through beautiful rolling hills, going back, back away from the road until you feel like you're in a private world. There are some gorgeous homes scattered throughout the property (which must be worth many millions) and then there is a main house that was built in the 1700s and has been beautifully restored and enhanced. There was a tent, and a covered outdoor patio seating area, plus pathways to walk, line upon line of grapevines like waves moving toward the sunset. The weather was absolutely perfect in every way. Not too hot, not too cold, just the right amount of breeze. There was cool jazz playing in the background, and formal waiters coming around with trays of drinks and foods. Zowee! I haven't ever been to any event that had wait staff, open bar, or a dance floor! All the weddings I grew up going to were the Baptist variety, which means that the reception is in the church basement or fellowship hall, and everyone sits at long tables and eats from cold cut trays and just talks and maybe for big thrills watches the bride and groom open some gifts. (yawn) My own wedding was much better than that, but I don't think you get to enjoy your own wedding as much as you should, since there are so many duties and traditions to take care of.

So, ANYHOO, I just chilled out, and loved every minute of this event. I was dying to dance, since I love to and never go anyplace where I can (well, ok, I *did* chaperone that middle school dance back in October, so there was that), but of course it took awhile for most of the people to drink enough to want to dance. Happily for me, it takes no alcohol to make me willing to get out and boogie. The hubby and I danced the night away and had a blast. This morning he is at work and I spoke to him on the phone. He said we have caused quite a sensation among the firefighters since they saw a different side of us than ever before. I guess they thought that people with 6 kids were too tired to have fun, or maybe we just sit around and count diapers and fold socks for fun. :) I don't know. I like to think that I was doing society a service by showing that a couple with 6 little kids still likes to get out and boogie and smooch on the dance floor and have fun. You just never know who might have been inspired!

The next fire dept. wedding is in 7 weeks. Sure hope it's as fun as this one was!

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