Monday, April 10, 2006

Hello Again

Fear not, I have not left you forever. I just haven't had anything worth telling. The kids were on spring break last week so I just did all the at-home-hanging-out-with-kids sorts of things. I felt down all week about my weight gain revelation and had several moments of "Who cares! I gained 5 pounds eating healthy! I'm going to eat whatever I want!" which goes to show that I should never, ever weight myself because at 6 feet tall, the news never looks good. I was feeling fine and healthy up until that point. Now I feel sad and fat and tired. How pathetic.

I could write you a thrilling post about making salsa or healthy cookies, but my heart's just not in it this week. I'm sure you can manage your excitement and wait until another day. I'm tired and wiped out and getting ready for my husband's parents to come visit us for a few days this week. Cooking and cleaning prevail.

Some new links in the blogroll: Poop and Boogies is a pretty fun daddy blog, and Zoe Children's Homes is now convenient for you to go check out again and again. They need your support! My birthday is coming up on Saturday. Maybe you would like to make a donation to Zoe in lieu of the fabulous gift you wanted to send me! They take paypal, among all the other usual methods. Zoe is heavy on my heart these days, knowing the horrible danger so many children are in, and how much they can benefit when we choose to give even a little bit in order to help. Please consider making at least a one-time donation this week.

That's all for tonite.


Mimi said...

It's Spring Break here this week. Enjoy the warm days, and Happy Birthday next week!

WILLIAM said...

Hey thanks for the link and the nice words.

I love the layout of your site.

mamashine said...

I like your posts about salsa and healthy cookies. :) Although I totally understand you not being in the mood to write one. I'm sitting here reading blogs and eating marshmallow peeps. In no position to discuss health with anyone.