Saturday, April 01, 2006

And Now You Can All Point And Laugh At Me

because thanks to all of my faithful rebounding and salad eating and eshewing sugar.....tonite I discovered that I have GAINED 5 pounds in 5 weeks.

That's gotta be some kind of record.


Marilyn said...

Scales can be wrong you know!

Dollymama said...

Yes, well, I entertained that wishful thinking also. BUT, first I weighed myself on the same scale that I weighed myself on 5 weeks ago, THEN at another person's house. SAME info. Plus, the first scale is equal to the scale at the woman's work, which is a doctor's office. And if that wasn't all terrible enough, I also couldn't fit into the size clothes I thought I should wear when I went shopping..... It's painfully, horribly true, I'm afraid!

Willow said...

Nope. I'm able to put on weight at the speed of light - without even changing my eating habits. However, it takes forever to take those pounds off - and I have to - get this...NOT TRY to lose weight. If I try, it works in reverse and I actually gain more in spite of caloric, carb and fat intake being less.

Medical freak? I sure am. They've checked my thyroid and everything repeatedly. No medical explanation for it.

Alana said...


Dollymama said...

I considered that. But, the thing is that my eating changes were more about my health than my waistline. I feel like the health goal is coming together, and know that I don't feel as well eating as I was. Obviously if I keep gaining a pound a week that isn't going to help my health NOR my state of mind, but I have to believe that this is going to reverse sometime soon. I have eaten very low calories and I am confident that I have not been sneaking in lots of extra foods that I have forgotten about. :)

Alana, I have even considered THAT, but with my periods faithfully arriving every 28 days and everything else considered, I would say that pregnancy is extremely unlikely. Of course, I have actually had periods in early pregnancy a few times before, would really be a long shot. I think we can rule that out.