Thursday, July 19, 2007

Shall We Have a Countdown??

I have a little's sometimes an actual (but missing...can't find it anywhere) list, and it's always a mental list. I call it

Plagues and Nuisances

What's on the list? All the terrible things that are hanging over my head.

These are the things that cause me to have a tight, scared feeling in my chest. Sometimes I'll be going through my day and realize I feel scared and stressed out, and I can't readily figure out why. I have to stop and ask myself, "What it is that upsetting you, dearie?" (OK, I guess I don't call myself dearie, but maybe if I started it would feel soothing....ya think? Maybe I should also offer myself a cup of herbal tea and a cozy blanket....))

Usually it only takes me a minute or two to figure out what it is that's stressing me out. Right now my list includes:

I am late on filing my business sales tax for December and June. It would only take me a couple of minutes if I would just dig out the papers and get it done. (my paperwork is very disorganized)

UPDATE: Finished the December filing. Now I have to find the form for the first half of this year...

I have to contact my children's school to let them know that my 3rd and 5th graders won't be attending there this year. I don't know why I feel sick about this. After all, I have 4 other kids in local schools, and a good relationship with everybody there. I guess I make up this idea in my mind that people will think our decision to homeschool is somehow specifically because of a gripe with the school. Stupid. They aren't going to care either way, probably. And I could even just write a letter. And still, I'm a weenie.

I need to tackle my filing. (See item #1) Finding any sort of paperwork is a headache for me. If I spent one evening on it, I'd probably be all set.

I have to call an office person where my husband works to ask for some paperwork. I put it off because I feel like a dork to bother her, even though part of what she does in her job is give people like me this paperwork. (I'm an idiot! What can I say?)

UPDATE: Weenied out and asked my husband to do it. If he doesn't do it by Monday I'll bit the bullet...

Money used to always make me sick, too. Our money is organized almost as well as our paperwork. Thankfully my husband saw my distress and decided to take over money management and bill paying. In the past I dissuaded him from this, I guess because I wasn't sure he's have time to do it well or something. This time...I'm like, "Here's the bill folder! Thanks!" I already feel better to just say, "Do we have money for this?" and have him say yea or nay. Much better! Plus, now he's more in touch with the financial reality of our life, which is important for him, methinks. So, one plague down...

I have several more P&Ns that I won't bore you with. I'm tired (tired!!) of feeling this subterranian dread all the time. I'm thinking of just making a list (where can I put it that I'll see it but not lose it?!?!) and working my way through it. Truth be told, I could probably do it all in a day. (or a week if I thought of several more things)

Do you have a mental P&N list? shall we declare a holiday to tackle the junk? Tomorrow is my 5th kiddo's birthday...maybe one day next week. Anyone want to join me?

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