So blame it on Solar Grin if you don't like it!
Another Meme :Four jobs you have had in your life
1. waitress
2. Life Fitness Center manager
3. merchandiser at a major dept. store
4. Tupperware lady! (I was even a manager and had a company minivan!)
4 Movies You Could (or have) Watch Over and Over
1. Meet The Parents
2. Sweet Home Alabama
3. Crash
4. The Patriot
4 Places You Have Lived
1. Clay
2. Skaneateles
3. Rochester
4. Kentucky
4 TV Shows You Love To Watch
(when I borrow them from Netflix since we don't have TV here)
1. Survivor
2. Lost
3. The Apprentice
4. The Amazing Race
4 Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Disney World
2. South Carolina
3. North Carolina
4. Gatlinburg
4 Websites You Visit (almost) Daily
1. yahoogroups
2. my hotmail accounts
3. Mom to the Screaming Masses
4. The Big Yellow House
4 Of Your Favorite Foods
1. pizza
2. ravioli
3. guacamole
4. oranges
4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. getting a massage
2. taking a nap
3. on a cruise--alone!
4. getting a facial
4 Bloggers You Are Tagging
1. Razorback Mama
2. Heather's Thoughts
3. From Under The Laundry Pile
4. The Misguided Sainthood of Mrs. Kleiner
Thanks for tagging me. I did this one a couple weeks ago, I love memes.
I've been tagged 4 times to do this! and as of today I still have not. LOL! I don't know why I haven't I JUST HAVEN'T. Does that put me into the "flake" category?
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