Thursday, January 12, 2006

Chuckle Du Jour

My 9 year old daughter just came to me to ask:

"Mom, could you please send a note to my teacher tomorrow? I want you to ask her to move my seat. Right now I have to sit next to Nellie Olsen, and she has poison ivy AND ringworms!"



Mimi said...


At least she's well read.

Marilyn said...

Oh Haley, I empathize!! In high school all seating was alphabetical so I had to sit behind and also share a locker with Rose who had cooties. I sat there looking at her greasy head in every class just waiting for the critters to come marching out. In those days we had to wear skirts to school and her legs had all kinds of sores( maybe ringworm). I hated to leave my coat in the locker with hers. Still makes me shiver to think about it!! ONO

Dollymama said...

MOm that is hilarious. I will be sure to tell her about this when she gets home today.

This girl she is stuck sitting next to is always eating large amounts of cough drops and then pretending to vomit them, constantly says she's sick and asks to go to the nurse or to call her mother, etc. Sounds like she has some....issues. Poor kid.

With the poison ivy, the girl has actually been rubbing her arms on Haley's desk and saying, "Ha ha, now you're gonna get it too!" and junk like that. Poor Haley is totally grossed out and afraid.

I told H to talk to her teacher this morning and explain the situation. I suggested that she throw in a comment such as, "You know, Mrs. B, I am always good in school and it feels like a punishment to have to sit next to ______." H believes that she has been seated next to this girl because she is well-behaved and not many kids can handle sitting next to this girl. UGH! I hate stuff like this.

I can almost guarantee that Mrs. B. doesn't want to get another note from me, so I think H has a good chance of getting her seat moved.

All week her teacher has been checking on H to make sure she is "well hydrated" and yesterday even gave her a cup with her name written on it so that she could get larger drinks than just at the drinking fountain. Hilarious.......

Willow said...

Sounds like Nellie needs to go to the school nurse, have a parent-teacher-principal conference and then be stuck away from the other kids if it continues. IEP, here they come.

Dollymama said...

The thing is that this girl is constantly going to the nurse, claiming to be sick, and begging to go home. I think she must have some problems of some sort. Poor kid.