Thursday, March 08, 2007

Yay! Yay! Yay! Plus another Kid Funny....

Guess what arrived in my mailbox a few minutes ago?! That's right! My Brave Faith CDs. And yes, it's playing on my computer speakers right now. Oh man, I love this stuff! It is So. Encouraging.

Check it out!

I also have another kid funny for you, this one from breakfast time today. We have an ant problem, you see. Last year we had an absolutely ridiculous amount of ants coming into our house, and my all-natural, half-hearted efforts to get rid of them failed.

And now, even though we're still having freezing temps some days, the ants are back, and I am very aggravated. How on earth am I going to get rid of these rotten ants??

Well, my 10 year old daughter had been thinking about this. Her solution?

"Well, I was thinking....could we maybe get an anteater for a pet?"

She was totally. serious.


Mimi said...

Hey, why not? Giggle.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Sounds like something my kid would come up with!