Tuesday, January 18, 2005

So we made it through the 3-day weekend. And now I have my 2 preschoolers home for the fourth day since they have both seemed sick. Somehow, even with my 3 wild-and-wooliest kids here, I've gotten some key stuff accomplished from my Very Long To Do List. Thankfully, my Hey! It's 2005! letter is now on the way (formerly known as the Christmas letter) and the bills are well on their way to being paid. Better late than never, I always say.

Thank you notes are also en route, which is a good thing because not having that done was eating away at my conscience so much that last night I told myself that I had to make getting that done top priority because it was torturing me so much.

So, hey, even if I get nothing else done today, I've unburdened myself significantly already.

I was talking to my 12 year old son Sullen yesterday and found out that he believes blondes are generally not smart, and that girls his age talk too much.

Sullen: Girls are just so talkative, and they are always talking about such stupid stuff.
Me: Well, I've known a few talkative boys in my day, too, you know. YOU are a fairly talkative person.
Sullen: Mom, no way. When girls talk it's like, "blah de blah blah blah blah blee blee blah blah blah de blah blah blah blabber blabber blabber blah blah..." and when guys talk it's like, "Blah blah blah. The end."

Okay then.

I suggested that maybe girls were smarter since they had more to say, which was only met with snickers and laughter. Surely you jest, Mother!

At least he did say that he felt that girls his age were at the height of the jabber jaw spectrum, and that by the time girls get to adulthood they usually taper off to a more respectable amount of talkativeness. So I guess he doesn't think I talk too much.

I learned a new thing yesterday. If your 6 year old comes up to you with a big grin on his face and says, "Hey mom, do you dare me to pull down my pants?!" the correct answer to this is "YES! I Dare You to pull down your pants!" No worries, though, because he will probably be wearing a one-piece Power Ranger costume under his clothes.

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