Friday, October 21, 2005

OK, Down With the Downer Posts!

Boy, that last one was a bummer, eh? Well, it just ain't fittin' with a perty new blog design like this one, to sully it up with the previous post at the top. Right? right. Being sleep deprived and having a internal crisis about all the stuff I have to do in life didn't do much for my state of mind yesterday. Thankfully, I did get to sleep last night (haven't you missed all of my "I couldn't sleep last night" posts? I told you I was quitting with that!) and can say to you today what I usually say:

Despite the things I do not have, my life is full and blessed.

Without the bitter we might not appreciate the sweet.


Nobody likes a complainer. :)


This morning I had my third and final parent-teacher conference, featuring checklists full of things that my child either cannot or will not do. Entire sections of this list say "refused" as is typical of my preschooler and some of his older siblings. Apparently I have a knack for rearing children who are distinctively uncooperative to tests of motor skills, balance, and such. (sigh) I've never been one to tow the line without good reason, so it's not exactly surprising that my kids have picked up on this. It's a good trait, once it gets leveled out. But not exactly the most attractive one in childhood.


Know how babies sometimes do a suck-suck-suck thing in their sleep? I guess they are sucking on their own tongues or something. Little babies tend to do it a lot. But today my 2.5 year old was doing that! It was very very sweet, and possibly one of the last baby things he will do. This kid is totally potty trained, speaks in full sentences, and is off the boob. I don't have a baby any more. Which is really weird for me.


We went to the library today. After checking out our books the library worker said, "Thank you!" and I guess my 2 year old misunderstood, because he loudly and cheerfully replied, "Love you too!!!!!!!!" Gave that library worker a reason to smile. :)


1 comment:

majamom said...

GReat Blog Design,
I am going to email MIA.
My hat is off to you with home schooling!