Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Beating Back the Mess

My house is getting out of control. Although the main areas are generally clean, all around the edges we have a mighty pile-up of papers, boxes, junk, and stuff!

Yesterday my husband called from work to ask me to try to find something for him that is missing (and important!). Looking around at all the possible spots it could be, I felt really overwhelmed. Too many hidey-holes of clutter around here!!

I feel like there is just never enough time or energy for me to get a handle on everything and keep it nice. Obviously with eight people in my family, we ain't gonna be Martha Stewart..... But, I never quit trying to nip and tuck and improve things. Will it ever amount to an orderly home??

I spent a couple hours with the kids in my employ this morning, having them put things away, clear clutter, and generally spiff things up around here. The area we worked on looks good, but there's so many more.....

I've been taking some new vitamins for a couple weeks. I do think I have more energy, but not as much as I could really use.

Still haven't found that thing for my husband, either. But I burned the midnight oil last night, cleaning til 1am, so now am ready for a nap while the kids watch a movie. Do you know where the bank bag is?? If so, let me know! Thanks.


Unknown said...

Hi! In researching the reset program, I stumbled upon your blog. It was very helpful. I would like to do the 5 day program. Could you give me the email address of the person you buy your products from?

I am a Christian as well, and also have a blog. www.chatswithanoldlady.blogspot.com
incase you are interested.

Amber Bishop said...

Check the Freezer:-)