Tuesday, February 06, 2007

11 Pounds Lost!

Yeah! It's been a month of killing off candida yeast, working out, and starving half the time...and I've lost 11 pounds so far. Yay for me!

I really wanted to lose 10 pounds in the first month, so am happy to have passed that goal. I kind of doubt that I'll lose another 11 in the second month, but I'm gonna try. I'd be really happy to lose 9 pounds in month two and make it an even 20. :)

I'm still working on the yeast thing, and my weekly "spit test" came out pretty good. I'm getting to eat about 1 serving of fruit per day and some whole grains (and every now and then I "cheat" and eat a non-whole grain as well), so that helps a whole lot with not getting bored to tears with my diet. I'm glad to see that I can diversify my diet a little and still make progress thanks to the supplement I'm taking.

I am also trying out Hoodia now, to see if it seems to give me any edge on burning fat faster. So far I don't see any better results than I was already having, but I think it might take a week or two to see optimal results so am giving Hoodia a one bottle chance to prove itself to me.

The kids had snow days off from school last Friday and this past Monday, and today got out of school almost 2 hours early. They are hoping for more days off this week....personally I think they are bored being home and need to go on to school. Nevertheless, I went to the video store to stock up on movies just in case we do end up "snowed in" (which is a hoot in KY compared to my upbringing in central NY).

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Yay! Congratulations on the 11 pounds.