Thursday, September 20, 2007

Working my plan

So a week or two ago I told you about the inspiring concept of Addition by Subtraction. I've been doing a lot of thinking about what could stand to go in my life, and where the clutter is (both physical as well as emotional, mental, and schedule clutter) and trying to reduce it. So far I've managed to:

-arrange carpooling for picking up the elementary school kids: I now only pick up 2 days a week!

-found a friend that is willing to swap childcare so that I can get some time off if needed (not entirely sure how well this will work since her kids are younger than mine and require more effort to watch)

-found a situation where I could have my preschoolers babysat in the mornings before school any time that I need that (like if I want to take the homeschooled kids on a field trip that needs more time than I have when I need to get the preschooler on the bus)

-worked through every item that I had previously mentioned here as being on my Plagues and Nuisances list plus some. (Don't worry, though. There are even MORE items on the list....but I'm getting there!)

-worked on having my marching band kid get rides home from some of his practices so that I don't have to pick him up every. single. time.

-I rejoined Flylady and am doing what I can to get those baby step routines going

-I've been faithfully working my Addition by Subtraction plan for my businesses as well, and am having a very profitable month!

-I'm now planning to see if I can find 4 other women in my town that are willing to set up a Supper Swapping arrangement with me. The idea behind Supper Swapping is that on one night of the week I make dinner for my own family plus the 4 other families in the group (in other words, make 5 of the same casserole or whatever), and on the other 4 nights, someone is making dinner for us. I do not like to cook or shop or anything that goes with making dinner. if I could hire a cook I would love it. If my business ever starts making a boatload of money, I'd hire a housekeeper and a cook. Definitely. For now, this seems like a good possibility. (and better than my previous idea of trying to do freezer cooking for myself, which would end up costing more and being more work, which doesn't seem all that appealing) You can learn more about Supper Swapping here and here.

-I have wished for a quiet retreat for myself for years, but what with life and family getting in the way ;) I haven't been able to make that happen. I decided that I definitely needed that break (seeing as how my husband worked about 250 hours over the past two weeks. Seriously.) and have now planned it for later in the fall.

-I have also lined up a quiet place I can go to work on writing my book. not sure when I'll have time to go....but I'm working on it. :)

And, now I've got to get back at it. I just went out to let the chickens out of their coop and found that one chicken has been injured and bleeding. Poor girl!

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