Tuesday, September 13, 2005

First Day of the Rest of My Life

Last night I decided to have some fun and tell my oldest son about my "great new job" that I would be starting today. He looked very interested and confused, by the end asking, "so what is this job, anyhow?" I told him that the new job is actually my old job, but that I am going to try to change my thinking and practice of it to be more productive, as if I were actually getting supervised and paid. I said, "Hey, you know, even if it's just a fun inspiration for me for a day or two or a week or whatever, anything to make it more fun and to help me get more done and be more organized will be a help." He says, "Lay your money down, folks! Bets on the New Job lasting one day or two are 50/50. Bets on the New Job lasting one week are 1000 to 1. Who wants to place their bets? Place your bets now, folks!"

Well, ha ha ha. THANK YOU SULLEN for your support!

Actually, this child just knows me well. He has seen me dream up a million weird ideas, and lived through me implementing hundreds of great new plans, schedules, healthy eating regimes, exercise plans, and so forth. He knows I'm great at the thinking, but that I'm forever in a state of *tweak.* I would just like to say that I think tweaking is just fine. I would rather be in a state of tweak than with no fresh ideas, or plodding along forever and ever amen in the same rut I started out in. Tweakers are cool, people! Believe it!

So, I have started my new job. I got all dressed (even sprung for wearing a bra), did my hair, and got right at the tasks needing to be done. Right now I am on my computer break. (Some have coffee breaks, but I'm not a coffee drinker, so...) I have already done school with one child and done quite a bit of picking up, cleaning, mending, and so forth. (yes, today I begin the tedious task of trying to hand stitch up all of the multiple stab wounds thay my 2 year old made in the couch cushion a few weeks ago when he got ahold of a knife)

The main differences that I think my new outlook will help me with are:

-balancing the things I love to do with the things I need to do (I can easily fall into doing mostly one or the other, and it ain't pretty!)

-not getting sidetracked dozens of times a day

I have a schedule set up that I am trying out, and will tweak and tweak and tweak some more as needed.

Other than that, from the archives, one year ago today I wrote about how the blogosphere played a starring role in busting CBS and their fake Bush memos. Also included was an article by William Safire on the same subject.

In media news and reviews:
Last night I watched Ice Princess with my kids. A cute movie about a girl who is a physics whiz who applies scientific principles to ice skating. It's a typical kid-with-a-dream/parent-with-a-different-dream story line like in a zillion other movies. It also includes a sweet little romance and plenty of teen angst. It was basically clean and fun to watch and we all enjoyed it, even if it was completely predictable.

I have also started reading Night Ride Home by Barbara Esstman. The cover caught my eye at the library the other day, and the reviews on the back convinced me to take it home. So far it hasn't disappointed. Good thing I have built-in reading times (and limitations) right now..... I will write a full review when I am done.

More tomorrow or later, on the next break!

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