Monday, March 07, 2005

10 Traits of Healthy Women

My dear friend Suzy Q sent me info about this wonderful web site Healthy Inspiration: Helping Women Be All They Can Be.
The site's author, Barbara McFarland, is working to help women be healthier in their lives. She has a book and coordinating products to educate and inspire women to develop these 10 Traits of Healthy Women:

1. Balanced
2. Confident
3. Fit
4. Humorous
5. Loving
6. Passionate
7. Optimistic
8. Self-Accepting
9. Self-Nurturing
10. Spiritual

I was excited to see this message and these resources available because these are things I have been learning more and more over the past few years. As I am improving in these areas along my journey, I am encouraged and see more and more the value and importance of them. I also see how very hard it can be to do these things. These traits may not come easily, but we need them!

There is a
mother-daughter program that looks really neat, products specifically aimed at teenage girls, and a corporate wellness program too.

I encourage you women to go check it out, and I encourage you men to also check it out, and to surprise the women in your life by purchasing the book, poster, and tip sheet as a gift! It can be a little way for you to let your loved one know that you want them to be the best they can be.

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